What is Apple’s OS-X BSP-Beta Seed Program?
Apple’s OS/X BSP-Beta Seed program is a program offered by Apple to allow its users to enroll themselves and test out pre-released software. The purpose of this is to provide Apple with feedback that can help Apple provide the perfect real-world quality. This is an invitation-only program, and it gives you the opportunity to have a first look at any new and upcoming software from Apple. With the program, customers can test Apple’s products in different environments, and the clients’ experience with the products will impact on the future success of Apple. The process of becoming a member of the Apple’s OS/X BSP-Beta Seed program is: completing a profile online, signing the customer seed and confidentiality agreement, and lastly providing Apple with your feedback.
Part 1. How to sign up to the OS-X-El/Capitan- BSP/Beta Seed Program?
The Apple OS X Beta Seed Program could be an enticing way to try out Apple’s pre-released software, however there are some risks that may be involved, these include the following 4 stages:
- Stage 1. Complete an online profile - Apple would like to collect some background information about you, and these include your names, basic interests, and your familiarity with the computing environment. This helps the company select the ideal individuals for the program.
- Stage 2. Sign the customer seed and confidentiality agreement - Apple consider pre-released software such as the OS X El Capitan a confidential property, and the company expects members of the OS X Beta Seed program to view and sign an acknowledgement to ensure that they agree with the confidentiality policy before they are considered.
- Stage 3. Get selected - Once you meet the minimum requirements, Apple will select you for some specific product seeds, considering the profile information provided as well as the needs of the Apple’s engineering team. Apple does not provide 100% guaranty that you will be selected to partake in the OS X Beta Seed program.
- Stage 4. Provide feedback for Apple - Apple expects you to answer some engineering questionnaires after you have been selected, and you will also fill out some bug reports and also participate in some online discussions.
Part 2. What Can be Done on Mac Computer for El Capitan Updates?
Updating to the new El Capitan on your Mac device is important, if you want to enjoy the latest features you can ever ask for in Mac software. The new El Capitan comes with cool features including; enhanced performance, in-built Apple web browser with Safari, Email swipe, Split screen and many more. You need to do the following for your Mac computer in order to enjoy the El Capitan updates:
- Make sure you free up to 40GB of space on your hard disk drive to accommodate new updates.
- Make sure you have a minimum of 2GB of RAM.
- Make sure you partition your hard drive in order to install and allow El Capitan run updates automatically. An extra partition provides more space for updates and will also ensure that the performance of your computer is not compromised.
- Make sure you backup your Mac computer before upgrading to El Capitan, which will ensure that your data and files are not lost permanently.
Part 3. The limits of El Capitan Beta
Some of the known issues associated with El Capitan Beta include:
- While trying to enroll in a two-factor authentication, especially after installing your El Capitan Beta 3 , you may see an error displayed where you may not have access to the iCloud secure data, thus the iCloud pane will be needed to complete the enrolment into the iCloud secure data.
- The El Capitan Beta may not be able to selectively restore delete mail messages, and likewise, all emails received before installing the El Capitan Beta will not work perfectly with proactive assistant features.
- Photo libraries in El Capitan Beta cannot be reversed backwards once the library has been opened. It will not be available for opening the El Capitan Beta in the Yosemite or any earlier software version.
- The Photo app in El Capitan Beta may prevent your system from the sleep mode, thus you must quit the system before you put it on the sleep mode.
- Some of your texts in the El Capitan Beta may not be localized to any selected system language.
Part 4. Risks of Apple’s OS X Beta Seed Program
The Apple OS X Beta Seed Program could be an enticing way to try out Apple’s pre-released software, however there are some risks that may be involved, these include the following:
- The pre-released software may be complicated. Such software may carry some bugs and may still have some problems that have not been fixed yet. Such problems may shut down your system.
- There will be no support while you are testing the new software- Apple is not obliged to provide you any maintenance support during the testing of its new software, thus you may have to spend extra if anything goes wrong on your computer.
- You are not allowed under the law to disclose information about the software. Disclosing confidential information on the Apple OS X Beta may get you on the other side against the law.
- You may risk losing your contents if you don’t backup- not backing up your Mac before testing a new software may make you lose all your information.
- You wouldn’t have any privacy- You will have to disclose some information about you before being chosen to be part of the Apple OS X Beta Seed Program, which means you may end up giving some of your private information away.