The advancement in technology has seen the deviation from the normal way of listening to music. Unlike in the past when media such as tapes, compact disk, and other storage media were in high demand. There has been a change from what people knew to what they love most. Listening to music has drastically transformed from absolute offline activity to an online agenda. This endeavor has been under the push of two global technology companies; Google, and Apple. They have created client service digital platform: Google Play Music vs Apple Music on which you can access the music of your choice in the comfort of your locality. But contrary to the problem that was resolved by these two companies, they tend to have some discrepancies and similarities in the services that they offer to their clients. On that note, find which of the two applications is better.
Google Play Music vs Apple Music: Which One Is Better
The cost of music
Apple Company launched the Apple music service in June 2015. This service initially was meant to be free of charge to the clients. But due to claims of market balance, the service was meant to bear some cost. At the start, the user is given three free moths of subscription. Then, the user begins to pay for a standard fee of about 9.99 dollars monthly. On the other hand, in the Google play music, the user is given an account. Those users with the normal account can stream the music for free. Besides listening they can also upload at free cost comprising of about 50000 songs. The other group, of users who opt to pay for the services, have the access account that they still stream the 50,000 songs in the standard category. As well pay an a fixed fee of 9.99 dollars and 7.99 dollars depending on the time the client registered for the account. Clearly, Google music beats apple in this case.
Apple music service is available in over 100 countries all over the globe. This means that many people in the countries covered can access the service. Unlike with Google play music, which is only available to about 58 countries across the globe. Meaning that; Apple Company covers a large geographical area compared to the Google Corporation. This factor plays a significant role especially with clients who are frequent travelers they may opt to choose between either of the two depending on their frequent destinations.
It is the ability to have a variety of services or component on the same platform that meets the need of the potential clients and as well making them compatible with the rapid change in the technological world. The Apple music is only available on iOS 8.4, the current operating system X10.9.5, watch Operating system, and later Windows. Comparing this with Google music, it is compatible with a variety of platforms including; android, iOS devices web browsers and media players such as the Sonos and chromate. When users switch to concurrent playback, they only use one device; but, when they turn to non-concurrent playback up to 10 devices can be used which is not the case in Apple music. Also, Google play music has the capability for users to stream songs in MP3 format with a two download limit per track. In Apple music play, this feature is not available.
Technological advancement
Both the two companies have embraced contemporary technology, and are among the top companies in the world of technological advancement. With Google play music, it provides the user with the capability to store up to 50,000 songs in the online account without any cost. The number of songs that a single user cannot exhaust. This feature gives the user the advantage upon which they can download and still upload the same or different songs without being asked to pay for the service. Beside capability to upload 50,000 songs, the user can stream up to 30,000,000 songs and they can download them to listen while offline. Also, they can upload them for future use as opposed to the Apple music platform. In the latter, any further streaming of music is chargeable after the expiry of the three-month bonus subscription period.
Online interaction
Another feature that works best for clients is the online interaction; this can take place either between the artists and the clients or either among the artist themselves. Both the Apple music and the Google play music have curated online radio stations that enable the users to stream live radio programs. Besides, there is no need to rely on the online stored music; but they can listen to the live music through the online music stations. However, on Apple music, there is the restriction of the access to the radio streaming in the iOS music application and iTunes logged in with valid Apple ID. Besides the curated internet services that both the companies offer, Google play music has an automated feature like the automatic instant mix and the electronic playlist. These two features help the Google play music users to create an automated playlist of the music they download. As well, whenever a new song is identified, it is automatically added to the playlist unlike in the Apple music.
As if not enough, Google Play Music has a feature known as "listen to all". This is a unique feature that helps the users to have automatic and contextual recommendations of their favorite music. The feature works hand in hand with the previous music that the user had streamed and from that it can analyze the type of music the clients prefers. This feature helps to save time since instead of the user searching for the songs; instead the songs are displayed in his or her account for choosing purposes. The same feature is also available in the Apple music play. Whereby music recommendations are provided based on the taste of the is also integrated with voice commands within itself that makes navigation work easier.
In a nutshell, Google music play has many features that outweigh Apple music despite the two applications have common features. As such, Google Play Music proves to be better than the Apple Music- at least according to the facts presented in this discussion.