Memes are gathering momentum like never before on social platforms. No one can underestimate how memes have revolutionized the way we receive fun and entertainment at our convenience. what meme it is?
Memes are interesting images or videos that either come singly or are integrated with words to drive home a certain joke. While other memes are simply meant for fun, a bunch of them are specifically created to educate people about certain aspects by ridiculing a related scenario.
...then where can you find good memes?
It is no doubt there is a wide range of platforms you can access memes and crack your ribs. However, certain platforms take memes to a top-level. There are millions of great meme collections in Reddit. Here, we shall discuss the top 9 popular and hottest meme subreddits for you.
Looking for the Best Meme on Reddit? Here are 9 hottest Meme Subreddits
#1. r/memes
r/memes is a popular collection of hot memes in subreddits. You can access a vast majority of different categories of memes ranging from regular posts, hot memes, new, rising, controversial, and top memes. These collections of memes are not only rib-cracking but also educative. They integrate fun with social, family, and economical life among others thus making it quite interesting to view.
#2. r/wholesomememes
Wholesome memes as the name suggest give a variety of interesting memes. You can filter memes based on the time from the past one hour to all-time memes. Also, this community lets you filter memes based on relevance, top, new, and commence. So, if you are topic-specific, then you can select relevance as your filter option. Just like other memes communities, the array of meme categories provides an avenue to learn and get up to date on what is happening around the world.
#3. r/dankmemes
Dankmemes is a popular and hot collection of memes around the world. The memes are entertaining and educational. This memes community has its rules and anyone who joins must comply. Any meme that glorifies violence is prohibited and is, therefore, a legally abiding platform. However, this does not imply that videos of terrorists, shootings, and death can’t agree with Reddit rules and regulations. Memes posted are well-formatted before posting to give users a rather easy ride in the navigation.
#4. r/raimimemes
r/raimimemes is a hot meme community created in January 2014. The popular meme platform host millions of memes of virtually all categories. Most memes are expected will break your ribs. The fine selection puts r/raimimemes among the top known meme libraries. You can filter the memes based on relevance and time. So if you are simply interested in a specific category of memes then you can choose a relevant topic. Also, if you want to narrow your selection to the latest hot memes, then you can select the latest time and enjoy the memes. The memes are arranged and displayed enticingly and cannot be hard to navigate.
#5. r/historymemes
r/historymemes is a big and popular memes community boosting immensely funny and whole-round memes. Here you can find all types of memes and jokes continuously uploaded to create a rich history of memes. Just as the name suggests, this community deals with memes about the past. To be precise, you cannot be allowed to post a meme that references not less than 20 years ago. For instance, any meme about the 911 will be posted only from the year 2021. For good experience by the viewer, no unclear or poorly formatted meme can be allowed for posting.
#6. r/lastimages
r/lastimages tells it all-just the last known image or video of a person. It can be the last photograph or clip before death or disappearance. All of these are acceptable. So if you curate for memes here, it’s most likely that you will encounter images that may arouse sad emotions. For those people who like digging into weird or mysterious stories, this could be a good site to encounter similar memes. Just like several other meme communities, you can filter to view hot, new, or top memes depending on your choice. Everything is pretty laid and you won’t encounter steep navigations.
#7. r/okbuddyretard
r/okbuddyretard is a hot and popular memes collection community. Even the colorful interface itself can attest to the fun and entertainment you can derive from the available millions of memes. You can switch between posts, wiki, store/merch, and cool funny video. Also, you can hit on Hot, New, and Top to access trending and most viewed memes. The various rules that all users must comply with make sure that creative memes are posted. This is a sure killer to the boredom of repetitive statements across memes.
#8. r/comedyheaven
Indeed r/comedyheaven itself tells all about the level of comedy it offers. r/comedyheaven , although recently started, is a hot meme community platform. It majorly emphasizes on stupid stuff with humor. The post should be an image that is generally stupid or bad but surprisingly turns out to be full of humor. If you post a video, make sure the video is no more than 10 seconds in duration. Also, no content within the top 50 of all time or was posted in the past three months should not be posted as this qualifies as reposting.
#9. r/pewdiepiesubmissions
r/pewdiepiesubmissions is another great collection of up to scratch entertaining memes. The memes community gives a wide range of funny images void of violence incitement. You can access hot, new, and top memes under the collection of posts. Beside Posts, you can access other categories of memes under LWIAY episodes, Minecraft episodes, and Meme Review episodes.
So you can see above, there are plenty of hot memes you can share and enjoy viewing on Reddit. However, the vast collection should not blind you to cease making and posting them on these sites. So if you want to unleash your creative potential, try Filmora Video Editor.
This is a top-notch meme creator tool housing plenty and up to par features that work in tandem to create rib-cracking memes. The seamless process ensured by the intuitive interface will no doubt make you create impressive viral memes that you can share in Reddit. Try Filmora video editor today and create stunning memes you have always dreamt of. Good luck!
Filmora Video Editor
- Easy-to-use for quick creating and editing memes
- Hundreds of animation titles, effects, and transitions for memes.
- Quick import and export